Top Questions Regarding Limo Hire Answered

Till around a decade back, going for a limousine hire deal was the thing of only the upper class of the society. But certain reasons have influenced this trend in these years and now anyone even from the middle class society can hire these vehicles. However, this is something that you’ll stay in deficit, unless you have the answers of the following questions. Can anyone hire this vehicle? As said above, now it is almost possible for anyone to hire this vehicle without too many hassles. However, for legal compliance and insurance related issues, there are certain limits in terms of age of the person. Other than this, nothing in this world could stop anyone from hiring it. However, you need to remember that chauffeur-driven stretch limousines are being discussed here and not those that can be hired for self-driving or own personal use. Can I get as many passengers as I want? The answer to this question is more or less "no" because the limo hire companies would no...